TRAVEL LOG 2013 – 3: Exploring Bali!

This would be my second time in Indonesia, however, my first time was in Bandung and Jakarta.  I was really excited about this trip because I heard so much about the beach in Bali.  But alas, this is yet another business trip.  I attended (along with the Philippine Council) the Networking Academy Partners’ Meeting last May 29 to 31, where we were billeted at The Stones Hotel in Bali. I must say, this is one of the BEST hotels I’ve ever stayed in.  The hotel’s overall design was great and very open, and the SERVICE was beyond exceptional!  I loved the rooms that had private Jacuzzi, it didn’t matter which floor, as long as the room is facing the pool, it had a Jacuzzi.  But the best ones were on the ground floor, because the Jacuzzis were large!  The breakfast buffet was also excellent, filled my tummy with fresh fruits, freshly-squeezed juice, and flavored milk everyday.  They offered a wide selection of international and local delicacies, however, I was not able to try them all because I had favorites. =)

Bali Collage

On our second night, the entire delegation went to a restaurant outside the city where we were treated to a very nice, albeit spicy, dinner.  Drinks were free-flowing and I am guessing some of the delegates lost their wits when the band started playing.  I was “invited” (read: forced) to sing on stage when my “teammates” told the hosts that I could “sing” well.  (I’ve had my fair share of singing on-stage however, the “international” scene isn’t my thing. HAHAHA! Kidding aside, I can carry a tune, but not that well! I sing in the bathroom, or in videoke/karaoke rooms, and sometimes on-stage, but really?! To ask me to “perform” in front of the very people I admire and respect in the academy?  I went crazy!)  I must say, it was one for the books!  (I WILL SURVIVE!!!!!)

The following day, we attended more of the meeting, participated in the events and were ajourned at around 4.  Giving us ample time to prepare for dinner, this time, just with the Philippine council.  We went to Bawang Merah in Jimbaran, a restaurant on the beach.  We had our dinner of fish, shrimps and crabs with the moon and a few candles lighting our plates. It was really a romantic setting for couples, but for a big group like us, we were more annoyance to those wanting a quiet night of dinner. We were our usual selves, noisy and crazy as h*ll. =)

On our last day, I got the chance to visit Tanah Lot, where a Buddha is situated on the edge of a cliff.  It was technically less than an hour away, but due to traffic, it took us a little over 2 hours to get to the place from Legian.  I have to say, the place is beautiful! I was amazed the Buddha was placed on that edge! I was also amazed at the fact that a lot of people were still going to where the Buddha was even though it was already dark, and the waves were getting higher and stronger.

Besides the traffic, I really loved it in Bali, so much so that I am planning to go back there for a quick vacation. I just need to save save save so I can go go go! =)