In my more than 11 years of teaching, if there’s one thing I’d like to teach my students, is the value of time.  Time is the only resource that we can not replenish.  Some teachers take this for granted.  And I, too, am guilty of this at times.  How do I become guilty?  When I extend deadlines, when I become lenient with late submissions, when I allow students to attend my classes when they are late or when even I attend my classes late.

This discipline is so difficult to teach my students, when even other teachers are also tolerating tardiness.  I’ve become frustrated numerous times, because I found myself wasting my day waiting for other teachers and students because they were late and had other things to do.  And when they’ve finally “converged”, I was busy doing my job, doing my real job.  I don’t want to be the bad guy, but I really wanted to teach them a lesson.  That our time is valuable.  Not only mine but theirs as well.

Being on time is one step closer to excellence.  And I believe that is what we are all striving for.