Credit Card Basics: Fees and Understanding Your Bill (Part 1)

Hello Loveys!

When I first got my own credit card, I didn’t understand how it worked. I asked those who have their own credit cards how to use it but they all had the same advise — that is to pay on time. So! That’s what I did, little did I know that I had to know a lot more — types, networks and FEES!

For those who might need this same info, watch this video where I talked about Credit Card Basics.

There’s a part two so I hope you watch out for that too. Thanks!

Money-Saving Tips When Traveling

Hello Loveys!

We all love to save money, and here are my tips on how I save money when I travel.

We should remember that when we travel, we should not always think about penny-pinching. I travel to experience and not deprive myself because I do not know when I will be able to go back to the place and have regrets for not doing what needs to be done.

Find a balance between spending and not spending. And never ever spend beyond your means.

Here’s the video I made on how I save money when I travel. Enjoy!

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How I Plan and Budget My Travels

Hello Loveys! One of the things I truly prepare for when traveling is my budget. I hate going overbudget but I don’t like to go underbudget as well. I want a memorable trip, to achieve that I always consider a certain budget and determine my non-negotiables when I visit a certain place. Not all travels should be about penny-pinching. It’s about making the trip worth your while, but still spending within your means.

Here’s the youtube video of how I plan and prepare a budget for my travels.
