Tips in Buying a Condo in the Philippines

Hello Loveys!

You are probably thinking of buying your first property, and you have no idea where to start. I have tips for you before you try and buy your own condo. I hope this video helps you decide and answers your questions about buying a condo.

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Money Rules That I Follow

Hello Loveys!

I hope you are safe and sound during these trying times.

I’ve made another content regarding managing finances. In these videos, I talked about the money rules that I follow. If you are curious to know them, please watch the videos. Thank you!


Hello Loveys! I’m back with another video on Credit Card Basics. This time, I talked about the different dates we see in our bill — statement date, due date, transaction date, posting date and the billing cycle. Please like, share, comment and subscribe if you found this video useful.

Adulting 101: Living Indepently

We as Filipinos are so tightly-knit that we do not part ways with our parents, even if we are married. This is something that I learned early on in my life, and that we, at one point in our lives, must learn to live independently. I may not be married, but this is something that I value the most, my independence. As early as 1 year after I graduated from college, I decided to move out of our family home, and live near the campus (where I teach and study for my Masters’). After graduation, I decided to move back because I felt that I’ve grown apart from my siblings due to the fact that I was seldom home (even on weekends) during that time. After a few years, I decided to move out again.

Why move out when I have all the comforts of being taken cared of by my parents and Yaya? I valued my independence more than my comfort.

If you are having doubts of moving out of your home, watch this video, and let me help you decide.

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How To Avoid Credit Card Fees

Hello Loveys!

This is part two of my Credit Card 101 / Credit Card Basics. In this video, I talked about the different charges that our credit card makes use of and my personal tips on how we can avoid them.

I know all of us want to get the best out of our money and save on fees that can incur while using our credit card.

Hope you like it! Enjoy!

Credit Card Basics: Fees and Understanding Your Bill (Part 1)

Hello Loveys!

When I first got my own credit card, I didn’t understand how it worked. I asked those who have their own credit cards how to use it but they all had the same advise — that is to pay on time. So! That’s what I did, little did I know that I had to know a lot more — types, networks and FEES!

For those who might need this same info, watch this video where I talked about Credit Card Basics.

There’s a part two so I hope you watch out for that too. Thanks!