Losing Sunday!

What started as a “bad trip” Sunday morning ended up a worse Sunday evening!  Just joking!

Manny Pacquiao’s fight vs JMM was slated last Sunday morning, and as I had predicted, HE LOST.  The entire nation was gloomy, some got sick, some died because of the loss.  But I did not dwell on it because I was tooooo tired of the MP-JMM match up, it was the fourth time for Pete’s sake!  What excited me most was the Brgy Ginebra – TNT match up that evening because 1) both teams have animated fans, 2) it will be my first time at the MOA Arena and 3) we were getting patron seats for free (thanks to my brother’s girlfriend Pei). Yatah!

pbaThe first game was Meralco vs SMCMixers, unfortunately, James Yap was injured and SMC lost.  I really wanted to take a picture with him, but I was too shy because my brother might see. hahaha!

Papa and I were seated near the SMC and Brgy Ginebra bench, I would have loved to take a lot of pictures, however, I didn’t bring my SLR. Just my trusty Olympus. I was in awe how great Caguioa and Castro played! Castro is truly a talented player, and he deserves more credit than he has been receiving from his team.  I also like how Helterbrand played, but despite all efforts, the GinKings lost (to my dismay).  They were all the way leading until the third quarter. It was really frustrating!


Before we left the Arena, I was telling my father that it was a losing Sunday, MP lost, SMC lost and Brgy Ginebra lost.  But I guess I won a little.  Because I got to spend time with family, however short it was on that Losing Sunday. =)