Tips in Buying a Condo in the Philippines

Hello Loveys!

You are probably thinking of buying your first property, and you have no idea where to start. I have tips for you before you try and buy your own condo. I hope this video helps you decide and answers your questions about buying a condo.

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Adulting 101: Living Indepently

We as Filipinos are so tightly-knit that we do not part ways with our parents, even if we are married. This is something that I learned early on in my life, and that we, at one point in our lives, must learn to live independently. I may not be married, but this is something that I value the most, my independence. As early as 1 year after I graduated from college, I decided to move out of our family home, and live near the campus (where I teach and study for my Masters’). After graduation, I decided to move back because I felt that I’ve grown apart from my siblings due to the fact that I was seldom home (even on weekends) during that time. After a few years, I decided to move out again.

Why move out when I have all the comforts of being taken cared of by my parents and Yaya? I valued my independence more than my comfort.

If you are having doubts of moving out of your home, watch this video, and let me help you decide.

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How To Avoid Credit Card Fees

Hello Loveys!

This is part two of my Credit Card 101 / Credit Card Basics. In this video, I talked about the different charges that our credit card makes use of and my personal tips on how we can avoid them.

I know all of us want to get the best out of our money and save on fees that can incur while using our credit card.

Hope you like it! Enjoy!

Credit Card Basics: Fees and Understanding Your Bill (Part 1)

Hello Loveys!

When I first got my own credit card, I didn’t understand how it worked. I asked those who have their own credit cards how to use it but they all had the same advise — that is to pay on time. So! That’s what I did, little did I know that I had to know a lot more — types, networks and FEES!

For those who might need this same info, watch this video where I talked about Credit Card Basics.

There’s a part two so I hope you watch out for that too. Thanks!

Money-Saving Tips When Traveling

Hello Loveys!

We all love to save money, and here are my tips on how I save money when I travel.

We should remember that when we travel, we should not always think about penny-pinching. I travel to experience and not deprive myself because I do not know when I will be able to go back to the place and have regrets for not doing what needs to be done.

Find a balance between spending and not spending. And never ever spend beyond your means.

Here’s the video I made on how I save money when I travel. Enjoy!

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How I Plan and Budget My Travels

Hello Loveys! One of the things I truly prepare for when traveling is my budget. I hate going overbudget but I don’t like to go underbudget as well. I want a memorable trip, to achieve that I always consider a certain budget and determine my non-negotiables when I visit a certain place. Not all travels should be about penny-pinching. It’s about making the trip worth your while, but still spending within your means.

Here’s the youtube video of how I plan and prepare a budget for my travels.


How to Pay PLDT Bills using BPI or Paymaya?

Hi Loveys,

I know the pandemic has forced most of us to use more of digital services, and so for our friends who are still puzzled on how to use these services, here’s a simple guide for one of the frequently used services nowadays.

Check out this video on to guide you in paying your PLDT bills using BPI or Paymaya. Hope it helps! Please like, share and subscribe!

Tips Before Buying Your Condo

Hello Loveys!

My parents have always advocated independence, and one of the things I learned from them is that I should invest in “housing” first before I buy a car.  Since I am a “city girl”, I never thought to buy a house in our province (Cavite), so the options for me are limited to two — a townhouse or a condominium unit.  It is just unfortunate that I realized this late in the game, and I only invested in a property when I was 35!

I didn’t think that buying a condo unit is not as straightforward as I want it to be, but I got through it.  In a few years, I’d be finished paying off my loan from the bank.

Meanwhile, here’s a video I did for those thinking about buying a condo.  Please like, share and subscribe!!

I AM SICK. I am a diabetic.

I am a diabetic.


September of last year, after a long haul flight to the US, my right hand started to feel pins and needles, or as we Filipinos call it, namimintig. And it wasn’t for 5 minutes, it was for long periods of time, about 3 hours and I couldn’t sleep comfortably for days. It didn’t hurt and it wasn’t comfortable either. When I arrived in Manila, it was the same thing, but it was worse. The pins and needles carried on for an entire night, I could not sleep at all. The following day, I brought myself to the doctor, had a series of tests for a few days and was diagnosed with mild carpal tunnel syndrome. However, the good doctor also requested for a other tests because he was suspecting something else. So he sends me to another doctor, and this doctor ordered more tests, and confirmed, I have type 2 diabetes. I had an inkling that I did have it, because both my parents have it, but I was in denial. It felt like the sky fell down on me. I wanted to cry, but I couldn’t, I had nobody to blame but myself.

I am not in to sweets, you can ask any of my friends, chocolates aren’t my thing, so if somebody gives me some, I give it to them. I am not into desserts as well. We were also disciplined by my father not to drink softdrinks and juice, we always stick to water. But I suspected it was my love for RICE that got me into trouble.

So what is diabetes?

Disclaimer, I am not a doctor! This is what I read in medical journals and medical society regulated sites.

According to the Philippine Society of Endocrinologist, diabetes causes blood sugar levels to elevate. And elevated levels of blood sugar may damage the eyes, kidneys and the heart. It is actually a metabolism disorder. One word that we always associate with diabetes is insulin. It is the insulin that helps our body store and use the sugar and fat from the food we eat. Insulin pushes the glucose (sugar) from our blood to cells where it is converted to some form of energy. And having diabetes means that, our pancrease isn’t producing enough or any insulin or our body does not respond to insulin.

There are a lot of kinds of diabetes, the most common of which are Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes, which needs insulin injections for life — like Gary V. Type 2 diabetes which is the most common in adults, because our body either resists the effects of insulin or doesn’t produce enough insulin to maintain a normal glucose level. There’s no cure to it, only management.

What causes it?
According to Mayo Clinic, it is actually unknown, but there are contributing factors:
Genetics. Both my parents are diabetic, so I knew I was bound to have it, I never thought it would be this early.
Extra weight

What are the symptoms?
When I read up about type 2 diabetes, I realized that I didn’t experience all the symptoms. I only experienced tingling feeling in the hands, increased thirst and frequent urination. however, since I was young, I really love to drink water, I can finish an entire liter in one sitting. Other symptoms wchih I didn’t experience include: weight loss, fatigue, blurred vision, areas of darkened skin and slow-healing sores. So it doesn’t mean that you don’t have the symptoms, you don’t have it. If it’s in your genes, as you grow older, make sure to take the trip to the doctor, and monitor your blood sugar.

I am now under medication, and managing my diabetes. My HBA1C started off at 8.1 to 6.4 to 6.3. I am seeing my endocrinologist every 3 months and I am trying my best to eat less rice, control my sugar intake and do activities, even if it’s just walking around the mall or inside the condo.

I hope you don’t get it, and if you do, manage it well. (“,)

Until next time!